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Day temperature 22-28 °C
Night temperature: 18-22 °C
Humidity during the day: 50-60 %
Humidity during the night: 50-60 %
Type of vivarium: Forest
Minimal size of the vivarium: L 30c cm x W 30 cm x H 30 cm
Origin: Southern Europe
Captive bred / Wild caught: Captive bred
Natural environment: Forest
Protection status (cites): no
Food for the juveniles: Small insects
Food for the adults: Small insects
Maximum size of the animal (adult): 7 cm
Dificulty: Moderate
Permitted in Flanders: yes
Permitted in Wallonia: yes
Permitted in Brussels: yes
Night temperature: 18-22 °C
Humidity during the day: 50-60 %
Humidity during the night: 50-60 %
Type of vivarium: Forest
Minimal size of the vivarium: L 30c cm x W 30 cm x H 30 cm
Origin: Southern Europe
Captive bred / Wild caught: Captive bred
Natural environment: Forest
Protection status (cites): no
Food for the juveniles: Small insects
Food for the adults: Small insects
Maximum size of the animal (adult): 7 cm
Dificulty: Moderate
Permitted in Flanders: yes
Permitted in Wallonia: yes
Permitted in Brussels: yes
- 9102732
- 5415342026789