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Scientific name: Phragmites australis 'Variegata'
Dutch name: Bont riet
French name: Roseau varie
English name: Variegated reed
Plant height: 80 / 120 cm
Ideal depth: 0 / -40 cm
Flowering months: VII-IX
Colour of the flowers: not applicable
Suggested plant zone: zone 1/2/3
Desciption of suggested plant zone: Riparian plant, marsh plant and water plant
Plants' info NL: Deze cultivar is een sierlijke rietvorm. De hoge, goudgestreepte stengels vormen fonteinen van bladeren waarboven paarse bloemen verschijnen.
Plants' info EN: This variety is a very ornamental form of perennial Reed. The tall golden striped stems form fountains of leaves topped with purple flowers.
Dutch name: Bont riet
French name: Roseau varie
English name: Variegated reed
Plant height: 80 / 120 cm
Ideal depth: 0 / -40 cm
Flowering months: VII-IX
Colour of the flowers: not applicable
Suggested plant zone: zone 1/2/3
Desciption of suggested plant zone: Riparian plant, marsh plant and water plant
Plants' info NL: Deze cultivar is een sierlijke rietvorm. De hoge, goudgestreepte stengels vormen fonteinen van bladeren waarboven paarse bloemen verschijnen.
Plants' info EN: This variety is a very ornamental form of perennial Reed. The tall golden striped stems form fountains of leaves topped with purple flowers.
- 2VSP5926
- 8713469105699
- 6 piece