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Scientific name: Phragmites australis
Dutch name: Riet
French name: Roseau commun
English name: Reed
Plant height: 80 / 120 cm
Ideal depth: 0 / -40 cm
Flowering months: VI-VIII
Colour of the flowers: not applicable
Suggested plant zone: zone 1/2/3
Desciption of suggested plant zone: Riparian plant, marsh plant and water plant
Plants' info NL: Riet vormt grote wortelkluiten in de modder of in ondiep water aan de randen van ondiepe meren. Het groeit zelfs in sommige brakke wateren. De wortels van deze vaste planten vormen de grondslag voor rietvelden.
Plants' info EN: Often called the Common Reed, it forms extensive clumps in mud or in shallow water, and the edges of shallow lakes, it will even tolerate growing in salt marshes. These reed beds are formed with an extensive system of perennial roots.
Dutch name: Riet
French name: Roseau commun
English name: Reed
Plant height: 80 / 120 cm
Ideal depth: 0 / -40 cm
Flowering months: VI-VIII
Colour of the flowers: not applicable
Suggested plant zone: zone 1/2/3
Desciption of suggested plant zone: Riparian plant, marsh plant and water plant
Plants' info NL: Riet vormt grote wortelkluiten in de modder of in ondiep water aan de randen van ondiepe meren. Het groeit zelfs in sommige brakke wateren. De wortels van deze vaste planten vormen de grondslag voor rietvelden.
Plants' info EN: Often called the Common Reed, it forms extensive clumps in mud or in shallow water, and the edges of shallow lakes, it will even tolerate growing in salt marshes. These reed beds are formed with an extensive system of perennial roots.
- 2VSP5925
- 8713469105682
- 6 piece