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Scientific name: Cyperus longus
Dutch name: Lang cypergras
French name: Souchet
English name: Galingale
Plant height: 60 / 100 cm
Ideal depth: 0 / -15 cm
Flowering months: V-VII
Colour of the flowers: not applicable
Suggested plant zone: zone 1/2
Desciption of suggested plant zone: Riparian plant, marsh plant
Plants' info NL: Deze vaste plant kan aan de rand van een vijver geplant worden, in tot 15cm diep water of in vochtige tuinborders. Het heeft mooi, hoog, slank, gebogen rijkgroen blad en, in de late zomer heeft het contrasterende roodbruine aren.
Plants' info EN: This perennial which can be grown at the edge of a pond, in water up to 15cm deep, or in a damp borders. It produces attractive tall, thin, arching, rich green leaves and, in late summer, there are contrasting reddish-brown spikelet's.
Dutch name: Lang cypergras
French name: Souchet
English name: Galingale
Plant height: 60 / 100 cm
Ideal depth: 0 / -15 cm
Flowering months: V-VII
Colour of the flowers: not applicable
Suggested plant zone: zone 1/2
Desciption of suggested plant zone: Riparian plant, marsh plant
Plants' info NL: Deze vaste plant kan aan de rand van een vijver geplant worden, in tot 15cm diep water of in vochtige tuinborders. Het heeft mooi, hoog, slank, gebogen rijkgroen blad en, in de late zomer heeft het contrasterende roodbruine aren.
Plants' info EN: This perennial which can be grown at the edge of a pond, in water up to 15cm deep, or in a damp borders. It produces attractive tall, thin, arching, rich green leaves and, in late summer, there are contrasting reddish-brown spikelet's.
- 2VSP5838
- 8713469104500
- 6 piece