Scientific name: Acorus calamus
Dutch name: Kalmoes
French name: Acore vulgair
English name: Sweet flag
Plant height: 60 / 80 cm
Ideal depth: 0 / -40 cm
Flowering months:
Colour of the flowers: not applicable
Suggested plant zone: zone 2/3
Desciption of suggested plant zone: Riparian plant and marsh plant
Plants' info NL: Deze vaste oever- of moerasplant groeit in tot 25 cm diep water. De stijve, lelieachtige, opstaande, geurende bladeren groeien uit een woekerende wortelstok. In de zomer verschijnen groenig gele bloeikolven. Deze in Europa en Aziƫ inheemse plant werd vroeger medicinaal gebruikt. Ook werd geoogst blad vanwege de geur op vloeren uitgestrooid.
Plants' info EN: This grass is ideal for planting at the edge of ponds or in wet areas of the garden, It can be found growing in the wild, next to streams throughout Asia. Its foliage dies off in the autumn once it has turned brown. It can be removed in the spring when it will be replaced by fresh bright green leaves that are slightly aromatic.
Dutch name: Kalmoes
French name: Acore vulgair
English name: Sweet flag
Plant height: 60 / 80 cm
Ideal depth: 0 / -40 cm
Flowering months:
Colour of the flowers: not applicable
Suggested plant zone: zone 2/3
Desciption of suggested plant zone: Riparian plant and marsh plant
Plants' info NL: Deze vaste oever- of moerasplant groeit in tot 25 cm diep water. De stijve, lelieachtige, opstaande, geurende bladeren groeien uit een woekerende wortelstok. In de zomer verschijnen groenig gele bloeikolven. Deze in Europa en Aziƫ inheemse plant werd vroeger medicinaal gebruikt. Ook werd geoogst blad vanwege de geur op vloeren uitgestrooid.
Plants' info EN: This grass is ideal for planting at the edge of ponds or in wet areas of the garden, It can be found growing in the wild, next to streams throughout Asia. Its foliage dies off in the autumn once it has turned brown. It can be removed in the spring when it will be replaced by fresh bright green leaves that are slightly aromatic.
- 2VSP5802
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